Vertex received visitors from ROSATOM Russia

In the crisp autumn season, Vertex received visitors from State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom (ROSATOM) Russia. The two parties had pleasant, informative, creative meeting in Chengdu, China and agreed to strength their cooperation in the fields of Hydrogen,ASU,PSA-H2, VPSA-O2, CO2 removal, project investment, project management, EPC , technology support and service.

ROSATOM is one of global technological leaders, with capacities in the nuclear sector and new energy, and business partners in 50 countries. As one of the pioneers of the nuclear industry, ROSATOM has traditionally been at the forefront of the international nuclear market, including nuclear power plant construction, uranium mining and enrichment, and nuclear fuel fabrication and supply. Today, thanks to the unique expertise accumulated over 75 years, the company is conquering the markets of new promising high-tech products. Hydrogen energy, energy storage, nuclear medicine, wind energy, composite materials, logistics business, environmental solutions – in total, more than a hundred new businesses, which cement ROSATOM’s standing among the leading tech giants. The corporation includes about 350 enterprises and organizations employing a total of more than 330,000 people.

“We are glad to meet Rosatom team, and we have high expectation to work with such a world leading energy company, which is conformity with Vertex’s international developing policy, and we do believe we can have a strong and WIN-WIN relationship in the near future”,Said Mr Leon, the director of Vertex.




Post time: Oct-13-2023